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Borea- Flag

Borea- is having an exception to your usual orientation- depending on the oriented this exception revolves around a specific idea; commonly a single person(s).



Boreasexual flag / alternative flag

It is the prefix of Boreasexuality. Borea- is different from simply saying an orientation is fluctuating; this is because the exception is often for a specific reason or a specific person--

fluctuating changes happen in a pattern and involuntarily but not because of a defined thing- which are commonly given a label-

Those who use Borea- still have a specific attraction and sexuality; for example, a borea-heterosexual may have a relationship with someone of the same gender but still orientate as hetersexual; this is because the attraction breaks for a single person, if that person were to not date them it is highly unlikely they would identify with Borea-.

someone who identifies with -flexible experiences a general attraction; for example a heteroflexible is occasionally attracted to those of the same sex indefinitely, whereas a boreasexuals break in attraction is definite.

However a person who identifies as Borea- may also choose to use -flexible wether interchangeably or together.


Boreasexual was 'coined' by a Tumblr user named 'mogai-archive' July of 2014.

The flag is believed to be made by @pastelmemer.
