Sexuality Wiki

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Sexuality Wiki
Fictosexual pride flag

Fictosexual or fictoromantic is an identity for someone who mostly is attracted to fictional characters.[1][2] Fictosexuality is an umbrella term for anyone who experiences sexual or romantic attraction toward fictional characters, a general type of fictional characters, or whose sexuality is influenced by fictional characters. This fictional character could be from any media.[3]

In asexual community, the term fictosexuality is often utilized as a microlabel in the asexual spectrum, describing people who experience sexual attraction exclusively to fictional characters and not to real people.[3][4]


The black and grey stripes represent the lack of attraction towards non-fictional individuals, the purple stripe represents sexual attraction and the asexual spectrum, the black circle represents a "portal" to the fictional world in question, and the pink represents attraction to fictional characters.

Variations of the flag may include colour palettes associated with specific sexual or romantic orientations, such as green instead of a purple stripe for aromantic or pink-purple-blue for bisexual.

Social issue

Human-oriented sexualism

Human-oriented sexualism is the prevailing normative sexuality centered around sexual attraction towards flesh-and-blood humans.[2] This term originally emerged as a grassroots concept within the community of individuals who appreciate two-dimensional pornography but do not experience sexual attraction to real people.[5]

Fictosexuality has been marginalized and overlooked, both within mainstream society and even within the LGBTQ+ community.[1][5] However, some queer researchers argue that human-oriented sexualism is linked to gender binarism, heteronormativity, and compulsory sexuality.[1][2]


NTU-OtaStudy (臺大御宅研究讀書會) is a fictosexuality activist organization based in Taiwan, founded in 2019 by SH Liao.[2][6] Liao manages the Taiwan Entrepot of Fictosexuality, a website providing information on fictosexuality in English, Chinese, and Japanese.[2][7]

Ficto- umbrella

Common terms falling into the Ficto- umbrella are:

  • Semifictosexual - the attraction to fictional characters and real people. While fictosexuality does not exclude attraction to real people, some individuals might prefer this term.
  • Kaitasexual - the attraction to fictional characters and/or real people.[8]
  • Animesexual - the attraction to anime characters.
  • Cartosexual – the attraction to cartoon/comic characters.
  • Booklosexual – the attraction to novel/visual novel characters.
  • Visualnovelsexual – the attraction to visual novel characters.
  • Gamosexual – the attraction to video game characters.
  • Imagisexual – the attraction to fictional characters one can never see (book characters, podcast characters, etc.)
  • Inreasexual – the attraction to live-action TV show/movie characters.
  • OCsexual – the attraction to one’s original characters.
  • Aliusocsexual - the attraction to others’ original characters.
  • Teratosexual – the attraction to monster-related characters.
  • Tobusexual – the attraction to vampire-related characters.
  • Spectrosexual – the attraction to ghost-related characters.
  • Nekosexual – the attraction to neko-related characters.
  • Anuafsexual – the attraction to other anthropomorphic and human hybrid characters.
  • Multifictino – a mix of exclusive fictional attraction. Example: being attracted exclusively to anime and cartoon characters.
  • Aliussexual – an attraction for fictionkin. The attraction to fictional characters from their source.
  • Herosexual - the attraction to superhero characters.
  • Villasexual - the attraction to villain characters.
  • Neutrumsexual - the attraction to both superhero and villain characters.

A fictosexual that exclusively feels attraction to a single fictional character or is in a committed relationship with them might additionally identify as Certissexual[9].

The opposite of Fictosexual (people that do not feel sexual or romantic attraction to fictional characters, or have no interest to bond with such) is Veritasexual.[10] Such sexual majority is called human-oriented sexuality (taijin seiai) in Japan.[2][5]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 SH Liao. (2023) Fictosexual Manifesto: Their Position, Political Possibility, and Critical Resistance NTU-OTASTUDY GROUP
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Matsuura, Yuu, 2023, Basic Terms of Fictosexuality Studies, Researchblog (researichmap)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Karhulahti V-M and Välisalo T (2021) Fictosexuality, Fictoromance, and Fictophilia: A Qualitative Study of Love and Desire for Fictional Characters. Front. Psychol. 11:575427. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575427
  4. Yule, Morag A.; Brotto, Lori A.; Gorzalka, Boris B. (2017). "Sexual Fantasy and Masturbation Among Asexual Individuals: An In-Depth Exploration". Archives of Sexual Behavior. 46(1): 311–328. DOI:10.1007/s10508-016-0870-8.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Matsuura, Yuu, 2021, "“Foreclosure/Erasure” of Claims-Making by the Everyday Life as Taken for Granted: Discourse Analysis about “Fictosexual” as Sexuality that does not Conform to “Sexual Orientation,”" Journal of Social Problems, (36): pp. 67-83. DOI: 10.50885/shabyo.36.0_67
  6. 廖 希文 (SH Liao) (2023). 紙性戀處境及其悖論: 情動、想像與賦生關係 [On Fictosexual Position and its Paradox: Affacts, Imaginary, and Animating Relationships]. 動漫遊台灣2023:台灣 ACG 的過去、現在與未來 (研討會論文) (in Chinese).
  7. Taiwan Entrepot of Fictosexuality (台灣紙性戀集散地)